Unblocking Stribe
Before launching Stribe please tell your IT team to unblock (whitelist) the following links, ports and email addresses:
stribehq.com (our main website)
api.stribehq.com (used by our mobile apps)
*.stribehq.com (used by you to access Stribe)
stribehq.link (used when answering pulse questions)
HTTP: Port 80
HTTPS: Port 443
Emails & IP Addresses
notifications@stribehq.com (used for sending notifications to you)
notifications@pulse.stribehq.com (used for sending pulse campaigns)
notifications@tootmood.com (legacy email used for sending pulse campaigns) (IP of our mail server, adding it to your allow list will improve deliverability)
Emails - Extra unblocking instructions
It's vital that all three email addresses above are added to both your safe-senders list, and are given permission to allow automatic downloading of images from the internet to ensure that your colleagues can respond to pulse questions without issue.